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18 15:04:03

My 11 year old spaniel is all of a sudden dripping everywhere she goes.  Just small droplets-I don't think she is aware at all- I try to get her to go out and she is reluctant and then when she does she sniffs for ever and sometimes still won't pee outside-comes in and drips everywhere.  Help.

Anne -

You should have your pet examined by a veterinarian. There are a couple of reasons why your pet would be dripping urine.  She may have a  urinary tract infection or she may have a condition known as urinary incontinence.  

Because she is a geriatric patient, there is a good chance that she is incontinent due to a decreased amount of the hormone estrogen.  The possibility is increased if she has been spayed.   

Urinary crystals can also cause your dog to drip urine.  Your veterinarian can determine the reasons why she is dripping urine by testing her urine and maybe taking radiographs.   You may also consider having bloodwork done to evaluate liver and kidney function.  It is important to check organ function routinely in order to diagnose potential problems before they become serious.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM