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american bull dogs massive jowels

18 14:33:25

our son has a 15 month old American Bull dog with extremely massive jowls, and it seems the dog is starting to have difficulty eating and drinking because of them. We have raised his dog food bowl so that he doesn't have to bend over the food, but he is even having difficulty picking his food up at all now. It is taking the poor guy over 1/2 an hour just to get 2 cups of food in, and drinking is getting more and more difficulty as well. He is constantly drooling as well, in fact it never stops on his one side of his mouth ( his jowls appear bigger on one side) IS there an operation to help?

This dog has more going on than muscular jowls. There are millions of dogs with large jowls but they normally don't cause a dysfunction of eating.

If that is the case, then the dog needs to be neutered to let these go down in size. He also needs to have the dog looked at if one side is larger than the other. This is an abnormality as is the drooling. Healthy dogs don't drool from their jaws being large.

He either has something in the muscles, or he has an infection or he has massively swollen lymph nodes or salivary duct issues.

What you are describing needs to be examined by a vet. There is a medical problem going on here. Call the vet tomorrow.