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emergency or not?

18 16:12:32

I noticed tonight my cat is turning in circles with her head tilted. I'm not asking for a diagnosis but I am unable to determine if this can wait until the vets open on Monday or if I should find some kind of emergency 24-hr help tonight. She doesn't seem to be in pain and is able to move her head in other directions, but keeps it held in the direction she is turning.One pupil seems more dialated than the other, also. She also had a cortisone shot 2 days ago for arthritis. Can that cause this type of reaction? Thank you...Fran

Hi Fran!

Call your vet. Anytime an injection is given there is a possible chance for a reactions.

The one pupil being larger than the other is called Horner's Symdrome. This in some cases can indicate a small stroke in cats.

If she cannot see the vet today/if she were my cat, I would go to the emergency room to have her looked at.

Good Luck!