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Trash eating

18 15:43:21

My 8 month old Irish Setter puppy got into the trash and has eaten a pork rib bone.  He is breathing fine and acting fine, but he did vomit in the night.  He does not have any blood in his vomit, but I am not sure if he got all of the bone fragments out of his stomach.  Should I let him eat normally today?  Will this hurt him in some way?

I would recommend feeding a lot of fiber to help push out any bone fragments...use canned pumpkin mixed with boiled burger, brown rice and plain yogurt--I would not feed any reg dog food for a few days.  If there is any more vomiting, diarrhea, pain, or change in attitude, get him to the vet.   The bone fragments certainly can cause intestinal irritation and if large enough, obstruction or perforation of the intestines.