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kittie breath losing teeth

18 14:50:17

Hi we have had our kitten Charlie for 5 month and he is in the middle of losing his kitten teeth. His back teeth fell out last night and this morning he has very bad breath. His gums are nice and pink, no sores or trouble eating. I just wondered is this normal when losing teeth as i know it is in humans after a tooth is extracted there is an offensive smell.

Five months old is a bit late to be losing his back molars since those are usually in by 4 months, but yes, they will have bad breath for a few days from it. It's mostly the blood you are smelling.

Not to worry about it unless his adult molars don't come in or his other baby teeth (like his canines in front) don't come out and the adult ones grow in. That is around 6 months of age.