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Bowel problems?

18 16:07:46

My 9 yr. old female West Highland Terrier constantly is messing in the house. I let her out before we go to bed, confine her to the kitchen and the past two nights woke up to find that she pooped on the floor. She has not been sick, so I don't know why she is doing this. Also, in the past she will piddle in her bed and also on the floor that is why we now confine her to the kitchen tile. My husband does not want her in the house any more and it is definitely coming between us.  I need help!  I love her to death, but I think she is doing it for the attention, but my daughter and I give her attention. What can I do without having to give her up? Please help me I don't want to lose her.  Thank you!

It may be attention seeking behavior or separation anxiety.  You can try purchasing the D.A.P. or comfort zone diffuser for dogs to see if that helps as well as giving her some Rescue Remedy, which is a flower essence for anxiety.  

Try putting her in a crate in the bedroom at night and see if that helps.

Always, to be safe, I would recommend a visit to the vet and some blood tests to rule out underlying medical problems.  She may benefit from Clomicalm, anti-anxiety medication.