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pseudomonis of the ear

18 15:02:29

My Basset has had this infection for over a year now, I am on my third vet, I feel very confident about her she is a ear specialist, My dog will have her ears cleaned while under sedation ( not the first time) any way I understand this is extremely contagious how long does the organism live  outside the ear? say she rubs her ear on the carpet or bedding and some discharge is there can she be re- infecting herself if she lays on that spot? thank you for your time

Pseudomonas is not a contagious disease.  Ask your vet to use Tris EDTA as a flush for you to use in the ears several times daily in addition to the antibiotic prescribed.  If this has been in this Basset for a year, ear surgery may be needed because it is going to be very difficult to get rid of this bacterial infection. Many of these chronic pseudomonas ear infection dogs have the infection in their middle ear as well as the outer ear.