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Troublesome Older Dog Behavior

18 15:55:59

We have a dog that is 11 or 12.  (We got him 2 1/2 years ago and he was reportedly 9.)  We also have a dog that is 2 1/2 (got her shortly after him when she was a puppy).  They are both neutered (spayed?).  Lately he has been digging out of the fenced in yard a lot.  Other than running away a couple of times when we first got him, he has never exhibited this behavior.  We thought it was in response to thunderstorms, but he did it again this morning and there are no thunderstorms.  Is there a simple explanation?  Is there a simple cure?  We've always had a dog door so that they could both go out whenever they wanted.  We would like to avoid locking them up during the day, but will if that is our only choice.

No there is not a simple explanation.  Does he have any terrier in him?  Because they do like to dig.  He may be trying to reach something or seen a mole or another critter that caught his attention.  Even if there is not a thunderstorm currently dogs can detect them long before we can.  I am sorry that I can not give you a definite answer.  You can, however, try giving him some RESCUE REMEDY to see if that helps calm him down.  He may be displaying some non-specific anxiety that is causing this behavior.  You can also try giving him a capsule of Valarian Root before you leave to see if that helps calm him down.  Or you could consider contacting an animal communicator

Good luck.