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tea Chihuahua nutrition/rabies

18 15:30:44


Tea cup chihuhua
I have a 2 year old tea chihuahua she is very active and I cannot get her to gain weight, What can I do? And when I got her the rabies shots she lost her hair is that normal? My other chihuahua also lost her hair do I need to still vaccinate?

All dogs need to be vaccinated against rabies, without any question.
I fail to see the correlation between the rabies vaccine and the hair loss.
If both of your dogs are suffering from some sort of hair loss then it could be the diet they are both on.
I would call my vet and have them both looked at and their diets evaluated.
Keep in mind not all vets are up on nutrition.
These dogs also need to be vaccinated yearly for parvo and distemper, among other things and also be on a monthly heartworm prevention.
As far as her not gaining weight, you didn't mention if she is spayed or not.  She looks like the right weight in her photo.
Again, any problems you are having with weight or hair can be addressed most likely with their diet.
Tell me what she is eating and I can give you some advice.