Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > Treatments?


18 14:27:54

Hi, I have a nine month old female beagle and I recently for a small letter saying that she was due for following treatments:

Antech Heartworm Antigen ELISA
Revolution K9 5.1 kg-10 kg 60

I was wondering if you could help me understand what they are.
Thank you!

What this means is that she needs to be tested for Heartworm Disease and she needs her 6 month supply of heartworm prevention. The ELISA test is a type of test to detect adult heartworms in the body.

Hopefully she has been on prevention since she was 6 weeks old. You really should get her tested now and keep her on prevention for life- once a month.

If she gets heartworms, the treatment is costly, dangerous and now becoming almost impossible to get due to a shortage of the drug to treat it.

So if her test is negative, do NOT ever take her off of her monthly pills.