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bernese mountain dog

18 14:28:31

My dog Rylee has a large tumour growing slowly on the back of his neck it is under the skin and has been there almost three years now. The vets thought it may be a fibrosarcoma they said if they removed it, it would very likely come back in a few months so we didn't. He is on chinese herbs made for dogs to help his mucus and a cervical formula for the tumour.I have him on flax oil as well as a homemade diet but I can't  seem to shrink it, can you suggest help for shrinking this tumour and reccommend the best way to relieve his discomfort? He also has acupunture/chiropractic treatments every two wks. Yes I am one of those people who will do anything for their dog.I desperately want to give him quality of life NATURALLY. If possible.

Dear Lori,
You are doing a wonderful job with Rylee.  To have it slowly growing over 3 years is very good. Even when we begin our dogs with what we think best (no vaccines, raw meat diet, holistic treatment of any tiny problems), they are still exposed to many negative influences.

You may want to work with a medical intuitive to see if there are other options that would help at this point. Talk frankly with your acupuncturist and chiropractor about it. There are many stellar chinese medicine veterinarians (Steve marsden and Dr. Xie, for example) who will consult with your veterinarian to treat cancer. It is best to stay with one major modality - for now Chinese Medicine - until it is no longer helping. That is the question. would homeopathy be better? I do not know. That is the conversation you need to have, along with maybe trying the consult route for a few months.

In addition, Reiki, HTA, TTouch, flower essences, animal intuitive healers cannot hurt and will not interfere with the success you have had so far.   

It seems like you have been giving him quality of life so far, and just need to continue or add in a few of the gentler modalities.

If you would like to consult with me, call 410-771-4968, and I can dialogue with you about the choices you could have and who is in your area. Also useful would be to purchase the Healthy Animal's Journal to record the great things Rylee is doing along with tracking symptom changes.

Christina Chambreau