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Schnauzer skin

18 15:41:26

Hello Dr. Gotthelf,

This is kind of a follow up question to one I asked several weeks ago.  I have a mini schnauzer who will be 8 years old this April.  Over the last 2-3 months, he has developed crusty scabs all over.  They started along his spine, so I thought it was Schnauzer back syndrome.  At first I used Sebolux shampoo, and it did really wash off the crust and skin.  However, it kept coming back, so I then purchased some SulfOxyDex.  It basically did the same thing.  Now, these scabs are appearing all along his sides, legs and in the groin area.  I have been bathing him 2 times a week.  I don't know if his skin is drying out, if I should use a conditioner on him too, (I have an oatmeal conditioner for him) or what.  Could this be something besides Schnauzer back syndrome?  Since he can reach the scabs on his legs, he has been licking them, but I always stop him if I catch him.  I just don't know what else to do.  I did take him to the vet when this first started happening and he advised me to use the Sebolux shampoo, so I hate to pay for another vet visit to tell me the same thing.  Any suggestions since your expertise is in dermatology will be greatly appreciated.  Thank you.  

This very well could be a bacterial pyoderma.  Ask the vet for a 3 week course of an antibiotic like cephalexin.  There are many things that can cause this including allergies to environmental allergens and foods, so if it turns out that it responds to antibiotics, your vet may need to do an allergy workup for you.