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9 week old puppy peeing in her bed

18 14:44:03

I have a 9 week old puppy who we have had since she was 6 weeks. I am having a very hard time training her, I was instructed to train her on a pad as she is too small to go outside right now.
She is a Shih tzu Yorkie mix.
My question to you is why has she twice now pee'd in her bed? Once over a week ago and again yesterday, both times she just walked over squatted and pee'd then acted as if nothing happened.

She probably doesn't know the difference between a puppy pad and her bed. To her they seem the same. No dog is too small to go outside if you pick her up and carry her. Granted if you have 10 feet of snow that might be an issue. But you have to be able to walk outside so where ever you walk is where she should be training to.

If you train her inside to go on pads she will NOT want to switch later to outside. I have seen it over and over again. Puppy pads are the worst thing to train a dog to unless you always want her peeing and pooping in the house. Not a good idea.

Right after her meals, I mean when the last bite is gone, you put on her leash and pick her up- take her outside and let her walk around until she goes. Then give her a little piece of her puppy food as a treat. Do this after every meal and in between if she looks like she needs to go. That means you getting bundled up while she is eating.

I know it's a pain, but it is what you need to do to housebreak her properly. You must be consistent and you must take up these pads or she will still think she is supposed to use them. If she pees inside you just tell her gently, OFF, then take her outside.

Do not yell, do not punish her and do not rub her nose in it. Just take her outside, let her walk around and even if she doesn't go, reward her and bring her in.

That is how you housebreak a dog. Little or big, it's the same thing.

It's not easy, but after a month or two you will wonder what the fuss was about.
Good luck!
Let me know how she does later on.