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dog (stomach)

18 15:48:06

What can I do for an upset stomach in my dog?

Hi Sherry!
Your best bet would be a vet visit to determine why your dog's stomach is upset.  An upset stomach (vomting and/or diarrhea) can be caused by many things..simply eating something that didn't agree with him, a foreign body (pieces of a toy, carpet, ect. that the dog has ingested and is now lodged in the intestinal tract), an intestinal obstruction (tumors, lesions, ect.), or a toxicity (house plants, ant traps, rat poisoning, ect.), or an abrupt change in diet.
Diabetis, Hypothyroidism, IBD (Irritable Bowel Disease), liver problems, kidney problems are all just some of the ailments that can lead to vomiting and/or diarrhea.  A vet visit would be most beneficial, especially if the upset stomach has been apparent for 2 days or longer.
I wish I could be of more help and please let me know how your dog does.