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8 Week Toy Poodle Perhaps Sick?

18 15:27:39

4 days ago I bought an 8 week old toy poodle from a pet store.  He had his free vet visit yesterday morning, and had a normal temp and seemed just fine.  Last night, he started sneezing, which has continued through today.  He has napped a little more than he did in the first few days we had him, and I realize napping up to 18 hours a day is normal for pups.  When awake, he plays as he normally would.  He is doing well with potty training, and this morning, I gave him a few treats for doing his business in the right spot.  Same treats he's had previous days.  Along with the sneezing, he now has diarrhea, and instead of pooping 2-3 times a day (which was solid) he's now gone 7 times already today, and it's runny.  I examined his last stool, and it looked like it might have a little bit of blood in it.  After calling the vet, they said to monitor him for 24 hours and give him cottage cheese or rice to settle his stomach.  After reading some articles on the internet, I am concerned about ignoring important symptoms.  He's not due for his shots for another week, so I am concerned that he's picked something up he's not be vaccinated for.  The vet called today and said his stool sample taken in yesterday morning was negative for parasites.  I know nothing about this vet, as it was our first trip - but I was unimpressed with the facilities and the lack of cleanliness.  I do not plan to go back, but want to make sure I don't need to be rushing him to another vet right away.  Any advice?

Well you have every right to be concerned with any puppy that has diarrhea with blood in it.
However, from the sounds of what you are telling me that he is playing etc, I don't think he has Parvo Virus. He could be having an issue with the treats or two many of them.

Bright red blood in the stool is a sign of the colon being irritated as opposed to dark, smelly blood from the intestines higher up which is what you see with Parvo.
I would cook him some boiled rice and feed him small amounts throughout the day for the next two days.I don't know what you are feeding but in four days that is plenty of time for his system to revolt from food that isn't agreeing with him. The rice can be a transitional food if you add some boiled turkey burger to it to get him off what you are feeding and put him on something better such as Science Diet Puppy Growth small bites. I have never had a client's puppy get diarrhea from it and they do unbelievably great on it. I would get him a small bag from the vet's and start him with the rice in it after two days of just rice and turkey.
Do it slowly and mix it this way:
Day 1- 3/4 rice and one quarter food-not a quarter cup just the proportion.
Day 2- Same thing
Day 3- Half rice and half Puppy Growth
Day 4- 3/4 new food, 1/4 rice
Day 5- same thing.
Day 6- all new food.
That is how you change their food without upsetting the digestive system. You changing his diet from the pet stores could be what set it off or the stress of the whole change in his life too.

The sneezing could be anything from something on the floor tickling his nose to a little virus. The thing is, with most respiratory diseases you should see some nasal discharge, runny eyes and some lethargy in the puppy. You should take him in to be seen Friday if he is still sneezing or starts to cough or gets lethargic and quits eating. We don't want him to get pneumonia and he can.

I hope this helps. Please let me know how he does. I bet he is cute as can be too!