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My cat is losing weight

18 15:09:20

In September I lost my 9 year old boy due to a tragic accident. I spent as much as it took to save him but he died when a blood clot in his lungs suddenly ruptured anyway. The problem I'm having is his companion, my 10 year old female,(they were together for 9) has been changing, She eats less, seems to scratch alot (not fleas)(stress maybe)and is losing weight, She has no bones showing and you cant feel any but I see it on her. Shes become very needy and cries alot. I'm very concerned shes dying of a broken heart. What can I do to help her? I'm giving her alot of extra attention and even adopted a 9 years old buddy (whom she hates)but still shes so sad. What can I do, should I take to my vet? Please help if you can. Thank you

Your cat needs to have a check up. Many things can cause this problem, but stress is usually not on the top of the list. She could have allergies, food intolerance's, fleas, or something going on inside of her.

Cancers will make them lose weight but so will kidney, liver and other digestive problems.

It is time for her to see the vet and have a good going over and some blood work run.
That is the only way you will know for sure what is going on.
Please let me know how she is when you find out.