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Water & Food Consumption

18 14:37:11

QUESTION: I recently started noticing one of my cats had huge pee clumps (I have 6 at home and noticed this when she peed).  I asked the vet about it and she said that it could be behavoiral because she doesn't show the other signs of diabetes.  She said that if she eats a lot (cats are free fed) that she'll naturally drink a lot more.  I have a cat who has Hyper T. She said it's similar to that. They eat a lot therefore they drink a lot.  It would be the same with a cat who's over eating. If she's over eating she'll be drinking more than normal.  She doesn't live in the water bowl or cry and beg for it.  Otherwise she seems normal just for the huge pee clumps.  Is it true that if they eat a lot they drink a lot. My vet said that they need so much water per amount of dry food that they eat.  I've seperated her in a room last night. Only one pee spot in the litter box (which was MUCH smaller than I had been seeing) and about 1/2 inch of water went down in the water dish. I gave her 1 cup of water, and have taken up her food so she's not eating constantly when she's seperated.

Just looking for advise as if what she told me about food consumption and water consumption is correct.  Because I have 6 cats and the water bowl is downstairs I do not know what her normal water intake is.


ANSWER: It would seem that it isn't this cat at all making these clumps from the evidence after you separated her. Cats that eat dry food will drink more water because the food is dry. Cats were originally desert dwellers so they are not prone to drinking a lot of water unless they are having kidney problems, are hyperthyroid or diabetic.

Some cats will overeat because it's a territorial issue. "If I get to the food first you can't have it." That is what they seem to think at times. Having 6 cats is very stressful for all the cats. Each cat needs approximately 120 square feet of their own space to feel comfortable.

What you vet told you is correct.

---------- FOLLOW-UP ----------

QUESTION: Thank you.  She drank just a hair above 1/2 a cup of water and there were three pee clumps in there of average size. Not sure if that is considered normal or not.  It looks like she peed more than she drank and she is on dried food. Will be changing her diet to wet food shortly to help her lose weight.  I'm just concerned about diabetes since she is 17.5lbs.But she is only 6 years old. She was 20lbs and I did get her to loose 2.5 lbs in the last 4 months.

Wet food is not going to make her lose weight. She needs to be on a restricted calorie diet such as Science Diet Light Adult formula. This is the only food that is truly low calorie that can be fed as directed and the cat will lose weight. Weight loss with cats must be undertaken with caution, as cats are prone to liver problems if they lose weight too quickly.

So get yourself some Science Diet and feed her separately but you must also keep her out of the rest of the cat's food as well.
Drinking a half a cup of water in one day might be okay but if it's one morning's worth or overnight that is a bit much.

If she has that amount of water consumption I might have her checked for diabetes due to her obesity as well.