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clogged tear ducts

18 15:13:13

I am considering buying a pure bred miniature long haired doxie.  The breeder just informed me that all the puppies in the litter have blocked tear ducts, she had them checked out by her vet. I am just buying her for a pet--but I need to know what kind of upkeep she may need or what kind of major problems she could have down the road due to these blocked tear ducts.  I want to make sure that I can afford to take proper care of this little girl.  Thank you, Jennifer Town

Jennifer -

Blocked tear ducts can usually be surgically repaired.  The procedure is a fairly simple one and you should have no problem finding a doctor to perform the surgery.

If you choose not to have them surgically repaired, your dog will most likely experience excessive tearing of the eyes that can be troublesome to you and the pet.  

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM