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Tear Stain Spreading

18 15:04:10

I'm not sure if this qualifies as a skin problem but in case it does i'll ask.  I have a 1.5 year old cream french bulldog so we have a lot of trouble with tear stains and yeast in general.  Right now though, one side of her face looks pretty good, the tear stain only goes down about an inch an it's very thin, but on the other side it's completely out of control.  It goes the whole way down her face and it's about an inch wide and it's itchy for her because she's always trying to scratch it.  A lot of people have told me to clean them every day with peroxide and i've been doing that for awhile but that tear stain spread anyway and no matter what i do it's not getting any better.  Is there anything i can do to make it stop itching and dry up like the other side?  The tear stain formulas i have bought in the store don't do anything peroxide works best but it's not helping either.  I also read online to feed her plain yogurt every day with live cultures because it helps get rid of yeast and it seems to be helping the good side but not the bad.  Thank you.

The tear staining occurs because the tears are not draining through the duct that runs from the eye to the nose.  If the vet can flush the lacrimal duct, that may stop the overflow of tears.  Otherwise, use vaseline to allow the tears to roll off the face.  There is a product called MAlacetic wipes that seems to help remove the tear stain.  It has acetic and boric acid in it.