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8 month old puppy ate sock

18 14:41:35

I have a 8 month old hound/lab mix puppy, who ate a girls sock last night. He is acting fine and is eating and drinking but i noticed that the dog is now has loose stool,( mushy at first than water at the end) Should I be concerned? will this pass I don't know what to do.

Well I would be concerned for sure. Socks can cause an impaction and the only thing that can get around the sock is diarrhea. So I would be very concerned and I would have him into the vets tomorrow.

The vet can feel it and take an xray to determine whether or not the dog can pass the sock. If he cannot, the vet will have to do an emergency surgery to remove the sock.

You might want to look into some pet insurance pronto.
Call your vet first thing in the morning.