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hookworm in cats

18 15:55:17

We are feeding a cat that we think has hookworms. He is emaciated, with swolllen belly, lathargic, no appetite, has some greenish diarehea, and scruffy looking fur. He is way too wild for us to catch and take to the vet, but he will let us feed him.

Is there something we can get over the counter and give it to him ourselves/



Hi Jo!  I know that most pet stores carry dewormers for Round Worm, but I am unsure of any others.  There are many types of intestinal parasites.  The only way to be absolutely positive as to what intestinal parasite is infesting this cat, would be by a fecal testing.  You can talk to a veterinarian, as there are a few, very wide range dewormers like Drontal, that they may give to you.  You can crush it onto the food, since you said that he will let you feed him.  That's one possible solution.
Another idea would be, if he lets you feed him, maybe setting a sort of trap to catch him would work.  You could set some food in a cat carrier or something of the like to catch him in.  This way, you would be able to take him to the veterinarian to find out what's wrong with him.  This could be an intestinal parasite, intestinal infection, distemper, feline panaleukapenia, Feline Leukemia, FIV (Feline Immunodeficiancy Virus), or even the wet form of FIP (Feline Infectious Peritonitis), hence the swelling in his belly and greenish diarrhea.  Since this is a stray, he has no vaccines, ect...the list of sicknesses that may be ailing him is so broad, that getting him to a veterinarian would be most beneficial to him.
I wish I could help more.  Please keep me posted!  That kitty is sure lucky to have found wonderful people to care for him and worry over him.
Take care,