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puppy having seizures

18 15:16:06

We just got a 6 week old jack russell, we have not had the puppy for 24 hours and it has had 2 episodes of seizure like fits. The puppy lays down and goes into convulsions and urinates and deficates this lasts aprox. 1 minute then the puppy seems to be fine. Can you please tell us if this is common in puppies or should we be concerned?

Yes, Rickie, you should be concerned. This is not normal in puppies. This puppy sounds like it has epilepsy- not uncommon in dogs under 5 yrs.
Stress, changes, diet, etc, are all things that can cause seizures in dogs that are prone to them. So the stress of going to a new home could certainly have triggered these.

You need to get this dog to a vet and have it evaluated right away. Hopefully you got some kind of guarantee on this puppy. Epilepsy is controllable with drugs but they are life-time and it is not something they outgrow.

It usually doesn't show up this young either. Dogs that present with epilepsy are usually a few years old at the time.

Here is an in-depth but easy to understand article by a veterinarian named Dr. Dunn.  Please read the WHOLE article. It is very important.

Make an appointment to get him into a vet as soon as you can-like Monday morning.
Please let me know what you find out.
Take care