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sick feline

18 14:54:10

i took my cat in in january for check up and update of shots. he is an indoor cat all his life, is 13 yrs now. since the jan vet check, he has lost weight, and looks like he has slowed down considerably. he has trouble jumping up onto the bed and couch sometimes.....

his water intake has seemed to increase, his appetite and bowel movements are normal.
fur is lacklustre now....and more dandruff.
vet did blood this weekend and we are waiting to see results...he is thinking thyroid issue or diabetes.....he was given cortisone shot and vitamins i believe...other issue is poosibly tumor in spine. however he still has movement in tail and legs and is not crying in pain.

any other suggestions?

today however quite sleepy .....due to cortisone?  

Steve -

Geriatric cats can develop any number of diseases - overactive thyroid, diabetes, cancer,  - the best way to determine his problem is to review the bloodwork.  Unfortunately, I cannot determine what is bothering your pet without a physical exam.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM