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severe dry skin(dog)

18 15:53:01

My dog is very allergic so has had his food changed, has had numerous trips to the Vet for medications/Cortisone shots to help with the dry skin/scratching. Short of spending thousands, are there any home remedies that can help with his dry skin. Thoughts are "cooking" oils like canole or olive oil into his coat directly. I have every shampoo and dry skin "oitment" Imagineable and I'm getting frustrated(needless to say, so is he!). He is a 5 year old black lab mix. Any help is much appreciated! Thank you.


I would recommend feeding a fish based food which will have extra oils in it from the start.  Personally I feed my one dog with allergies, Verus Fish and Potato and she does very well.  This is an all-natural food that is free of corn and soy (2 very common allergans) and it does not have meat by-products, artificial colors or is truly a hypoallergenic diet.  Flint River Ranch and Wellness also make a fish food that is excellent for dogs with allergies.

You can also supplement his diet with FLAXSEED OIL (human adult dose) as well as giving some cooked eggs to help his coat.

I would also recommend supplementing his diet with ESTER C to provide some anti-oxidant protection...10 mg per pound twice a day.  Giving him yogurt on a daily basis as well as adding PROZYME into his diet should help him as well.

The cortisone will help solve the itch but actually is probably contributing to the dry skin.  I have a lot of success with using HUMILAC topical spray for dry skin...or RELIEF Spray when the skin is itchy as well.

If the allergies persist, then I would recommend having him allergy tested and start on allergy shots to help get him relief.

Good luck!