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18 15:40:07

My 15yo female cat became ill last December and after weeks of trying various antibiotics, the vet did a biopsy.  The lab diagnosed panniculitis and suggested Amoxycillin, Clavulox and Imipenem.  The first two did not stop the spread of the inflammation which started on her belly near the front paws, is now almost near her tail. The vet said the area was too large for surgery, and the Imipenem is a daily injection at a cost I really cannot afford.  He said there was no guarantee it would work any more effectively than the previous two and also the bacteria could return again.  What will happen if left untreated?  Have I any other options?  Is is unfair to even consider putting her down?

Barbara, I do not know that much about panniculitis, but my understanding is it is an inlfammatin of the fat cells under the skin.  I do not know it etiology.  I have never had a cat with it.  I have heard that cyclosporine might be an option for this disease.  There are several useful articles online about the disease.  Sorry I couldn't tell you more.  I sure hope she will make it through this.