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Staffy puppy 10 weeks old with dermatophtosis

18 15:18:57

Hi I have a stuffy puppy that has Dermatophtosis, it started out with him chewing his paw then his skin has come out its now about the size of a 10cent piece I have been back to my vet several time, I have been given a toptic spray, since then my partner has got ring worm< would this be related to this???? I have a 5mth old baby is this a catchie thing??? Sound I have him away from my baby....

Could you please help I need some advice

Many Thanks

Yes Angelia, Your friend must have contracted this from the pup.  Also, your baby can get it too!  It is one of the few problems that our pets can give us humans.  sorry...

Keep using the spray that your vet gave you.  Also, Buy some NuVET Plus - this is the best skin and coat supplement in the USA.
NuVET is an Immune System Booster.

Your baby needs to stay away from touching the pup.  People with weak immune systems are very prone to getting this.  NOT everyone will get this fungus.... YOUR baby may not get it because he/she has your immunity thru birth.  If you breast fed the baby, it will help to protect from the ring worm infection.

Here is the info for NuVET - Buy from the manufacturer and save over 45% of what the vet would charge.
It will cost you about 1.00 per day for the NuVET Plus wafers/  We need to double dose your kid with this Natural Supplement.
It won't hurt and it ALL Natural...
Give two wafers per day for at least 30 days...After that, give just one per day for 2-3 months.  Good for your pup's health!!!

Guaranteed to help or YOUR money will be refunded.
Tell them Marie sent you at order code - 81098
Or, call Joan at 1-800-474- 7044 EXT 265  ( Joan can talk with you about your pup and help you with your order)

Also, you can give your baby some yogurt (Activia Brand) with the Active Culutres...give 1/2 cup per day of yogurt.
May help with healing and helps the belly, too!

Wash all your bedding in HOT water.... Make sure your partner washes his/her clothing in hot water and NOT with the other family memeber's clothing.  OK???

Order our NuVET Plus today----  BEST wishes

Marie Peppers

The Doggie Chalet Hotel