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Puppy...drinking lots of water...sick

18 15:18:56

I picked up a great Pyrenees puppy this last Saturday...she has not been able to keep any food down and is drinking an excessive amount of water. Took her to the vet yesterday...she ran test..came back clean..said to put her on boiled hamburger and white rice for a few day's..and gave her an antibiotic. She did great the first feeding...but the second she kept down for a few hours and then got sick again. What else can I try for her...could this be a sign of lime disease or west Nile? The place I got her was heavily wooded.

Hi Audrea:  Glad you went to the VET for a check-up!

Ok, let't try a few things...

Get some Pedilyte - ( the kind for humans) - Get the flavored one and put it in her water bowel.  Put an ice cube or two in it.
This will help her to NOT dehydrate.  You can do this for a few days.
Give about 1 cup (8oz), every 4-5 hours.

Next, give some Pepto Bismol liquid - put in a syringe and place in the side of her mouth.

Here is the dosage for Pepto-

The typical dose administered to dogs is 0.5 to 1.5 ml per pound per day (1 to 3 ml/kg/day). The total daily dose should be divided into two to four doses. This amounts to approximately 2 teaspoons (10 ml total) per 10-pounds per day, ideally split between two to four doses.
****Call Your Vet if your are unsure about the amount -  I am sure they will allow you to give this for a few days...

Start your baby on some NuVET Plus - The BEST Immune System Booster and supplement in the USA

BEST wishes -
Marie Peppers