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Black surface spots on dog

18 15:58:30

I actually have 3 brief questions:

1. I have noticed several spots around the underside of our dog's belly, just below his groin area.  They almost look like dark spots of dried blood, or scabs, but when you touch them there is no roughness like a scab.

2. He is about 15 months old and still squats like a female dog when he urinates.  Will he ever start lifting his leg?  Is this something that comes naturally?

3. I find a lot of light brown splatter spots on my walls that is a discharge of some kind from him.  I have not been able to determine if it is coming from his nose when he sneezes or his penis when he shakes.  Any thoughts on origin or cause?  I have never seen this with any of my prior male dogs.


1. it could be just pigmentation of his skin, thats normal- but have your vet look at it if you are concerned.

2. hey, as long as he urinates right? it does not matter lifting a leg or squating.

3. the splatter spots could be anal gland juice. have your vet check them out.  or rather have your vet check the whole dog out since there are lots of orifices that stuff can come out of.

good luck