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Ever since I got my puppy,...

18 16:08:21

Ever since I got my puppy, I've noticed she poops alot. I never really counted the times until this weekend. For Friday, we got 8 times and saturday, 6 times. I just wanted to know if this was normal. She always "goes" after eating (we feed her 3 times a day) so I figured she would have gotten rid of whatever waste was in her but she always seems to have more. Also, I read somewhere to give a puppy his last meal at about 7pm so it would help to minimize the times in which you had to take him out at night. I tried that and between 11:30pm and 9:30am, there were three more stools. Is there anything to worry about or am I just making a big deal out of nothing?

Hi Kim!

Puppies like to poop, alot! Especially after eating! Expect your puppy to go several times per day- 5 can be normal for a dog.

Also look into the brand of food you are feeding. If it is low quality, your dog will go more. HIgher quality you get less stool.

hope this helps~