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Kitten with draining eyes

18 15:12:18

This is a follow-up question.  My kitten has a golden drainage from his eyes and has sinus issues.  I told the ohter doctor I gave him 1/3 cc  penicillin.  

Her response was that the 1/3 cc was too much for a kitten, but then continued to tell me that I should give him the same amount twice a day for 10 days more!  I don't understand that?  She did say it was viral.  What can I do to help him, he is an outside farm kitten.

Becky -

If you are having trouble understanding your veterinarian, perhaps you should ask her to explain what she was trying to tell you.  I am unable to tell you what she wanted because I have no idea what she was trying to tell you.

If your pet has a discharge from the eyes or nose or both, he most likely will need antibiotic therapy.  Talk it over with your veterinarian so the kitty can get the help he needs.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM