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my shih tzu become weak and lose weight

18 14:08:19

MY Shih-tzu have a high fever  What are the reasons why she suddenly became weak. Before I take her to the vet she is very playful and eat a lot but after the vet gave him 3 shots of antibiotic. She became weak, loss her appetite, she always sleep, she is not hyper or playful.I am worried please help me find what are the problems or causes why she has this symptoms?

It's really hard to say why she is now not feeling well unless something he gave her is affecting her, or what ever was giving her the fever is just working it's way through her.

I don't think he would have given her 3 injections of antibiotics at one time but that alone could make her feel punk if that is the case.

I would call the vet's today and take her in because she shouldn't be feeling this way from getting some injections.

I have no way of knowing what her symptoms are being caused by but if she is not better today you definitely need to call your vet back and ask them why she is worse than she was before you took her in to be seen.

Ask what she was given and tell them that she isn't eating or playing at all.
And don't wait, call back today!