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puppie stool

18 15:19:17

I have a 12 week old weinmariner puppy.  He just had his 3rd round of shots on friday.  It is Monday and his stool is still very much diarrhea.  I'm not sure if it's because I just recently changed his food as well but he is playing, eating, and drinking just fine.  The only problem is when I take him outside at his regular intervals, instead of pooping like normal, it's all diarrhea.  He still pees plenty and acts normal when going out.  He's had no messes and it's not like he can't hold it.  I'm just not sure what to do!

Hello Kara: Don't worry!  The shots and the food change may have a lot to do with the loose poops.  It sould pass in a few days or so.
You can get some canned pumpkin for this little one.  Give 1/4 a cup of Canned Pumpkin ( pure - no added sugar) 1 x per day.  Do this for a few days.  It will firm up the poops.  Good fiber.

Also, your little one should be on a good Vitamin/Supplement - NuVET Plus is the best /
Ask for a taste test sample -

Thanks and good luck

Marie of The Doggie Chalet Hotel