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Rash that looks like pimples under armpit

18 15:17:13

My dog Moe who is 2 years old has a pimple like rash under his left armpit. I give him a bath him about once a week and was wondering if that possibly caused it? The rash is drying up and some of the scabs have started to fall off. There are some that are still red though. He doesn't seem to be itching it.

Hello Susan:  Keep an eye on this area.  Try my suggestions, if it doesn't get better, please call the VET.

Ok, give Moe some Acidophilus -
Here is a link about this/// Give him 1/2 the adult dosage, per day.
This will help if he has some yeast under the arms.

Also, NuVET Plus - the BEST skin and coat supplement in the USA
Use order code 81098 / they can't sell to the public without this code from a BREEDER...OK
NOT sold in Stores

NuVET wafer treats - One per day ( about .55 cents per day)

I sure hope this all helps your kid.  Also, a bath in Tea TREE oil shampoo will help a bunch. Make sure you blow dry his arm pits..

Thanks and Good Luck-

Marie Peppers