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Puppies with fleas

18 15:17:21

My dog just had puppies they are only 1 week old and they have fleas I thought I had gotten rid of the fleas before she had the pups but I obviously hadn't. My yard I have found out has fleas and I do not know what to do to control the fleas in the yard or on the pups. We have removed them multiple times by hand but every time the mom goes outside she brings in more. All of the over the counter flea treatment says for dogs 12 weeks or older so I do not know what to do. any help would be greatly appreciated Thank you

Jamie -

Daily flea combing can help to remove the fleas from your puppies.  Puppies are easy prey for fleas and too many fleas can cause your puppies to become anemic or even die from severe blood loss.

I do not recommend over the counter flea products.  The safest products are found in your veterinarian's office.  I strongly suggest that you do no use over the counter flea products as they can be dangerous to young animals, but they are also less effective than flea products found at the vet's office.

You can shampoo your puppies with Johnson's Baby Shampoo.  It is mild and will help you to rid the puppies of the fleas.  Flea comb them daily (several times a day if you have to) and once they  are old enough, apply Advantage or Frontline.  It is also necessary to have your yard treated to help control the fleas.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM