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Eye problems

18 15:08:37


Hi Jana, I really appreciate you taking the time to answer these questions. Recently, I've noticed marks in my cat's eyes. They look like cracks in a cracked window. Each eye has 3 straight marks/"cracks" that radiate from the centre of the eye. In addition to the marks, his eyes are also getting foggy. He is about 12 years old, male, and generally healthy. I've attached a picture of the problem. I hope it helps...

Hi Rocky,
Well I cannot zoom in to see his eyes but I have looked at hundreds of old cat eyes. I have a 14 yr old cat myself.

What you are probably seeing is just the aging of the iris itself. They get radiating marks and lines all over their iris's as they age.

It's one of the way you can tell most older cats from younger ones. Your cat has the classic 'old cat' look about him anyway. I have seen this on most cats. The foggy look in his eyes is due to Nuclear sclerosis, which is also a normal aging condition. It is not harmful and most pets get by without even noticing it.

If his eyes are inflamed in any way or he has developed more thirst, or wetting more often then you should take him in for an exam. In many cases, eye problems are secondary to kidney and other organ problems in senior pets.

But since you say he is healthy other wise I would most likely guess that he has this Nuclear sclerosis, and just an aging Iris.

I bet he yowls at night if he can't find you eh? That goes along with an older cat too. My 19 yr old Floyd would stand on my chest in bed at night and do that. What a scary sound it can be!
Let me know if he has other things you are concerned with and always contact your vet for information if you feel more is going on than just the aging of his eyes.