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dog pads (foot)

18 16:12:44

I found a St. Bernard, approx. 6-8 months old. Two of her pads are 1/2 to 3/4 off. What can I do to assist in the healing process of her pads?

Wow, that is a big puppy to find and most likely someone is probably missing her. To help in healing up the wounds on her pads, I suggest you wash the wounds with an antibacterial soap, and apply an antibiotic ointment such as Neosporin. You can try and bandage the feet and pads, but most likely she will chew them off due to easy access.

Treating paw related injuries are difficult because every time she goes to bare weight on that particular foot she will be applying pressure to the wound, and possibly reopening any healing scabs. If you can; try to keep her off her feet as much as possible. Once the wounds appear to close, than you can apply bag balm on them to help keep them subtle and from drying out any further and re-opening. I hope this offers some help.   
Please feel free to get back to me with any additional questions or concerns.