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Tick infestation

18 15:19:26

Dr. Sherrel,
My family and I adopted a 2 year old lab from the AZ Animal Care and Control and when we got her home we noticed a few ticks on her. In the last three days I have pulled of 25 ticks. She was treated yesterday with frontline, but I am concerned about my house becoming infested. How may ticks is considered and "infestation"? We have her in our kitchen in her crate most of the time because she was just spayed. What else can I do to protect the house and my three little boys? How prevelant and likely is Lyme Disease in Arizona? Should I be worried?

Renea -

Lyme disease is becoming increasingly prevalent over the country because society itself has become more mobile over the years.  I am not aware of its prevalence in Arizona; please check with your veterinarian for that information.  

It seems as though you do have a tick infestation.  Vacuuming often is the best way to get rid of the ticks.  Your vet should have a collar that will help to treat the ticks - ask for a "Preventic" collar.  It is great and it is the only collar on the market (to my knowledge) that actually works.  Over the counter collars do not work and often can cause more harm to the animal that to help the animal.  

Frontline is an extremely effective product.  Your dog will be free of he ticks before you know it.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM