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My 8 year old border collie

18 15:26:46

I have an eight year old border collie, who is a little over weight, he has still been active until this week. I noticed a knot on his face which became swollen, it went down the next day, however he has not eaten, barely drinks, and he seems to be having problems walking, he also has never used the potty in the house since he was a pup. This morning he went to the back door with my husband and then urinated on himself. When he does go out he uses the restroom on the deck. He walks real slow and just lays around. I am worried, at first when his face was swollen I thought a bad tooth, now I wonder if it is something else. With all of the other things going on with him in the past few days. I have been trying to get him into the vet however they can't get him in until next week.With him not eating I am concerned.

If his face is swollen or was swollen, there is a pretty good chance that he has more than one really bad tooth.He might have a large abscess that is draining into his mouth and stomach which will make him really ill.

Studies have shown that bad teeth left untreated or cared for will cause major organ diseases such as heart disease, kidney and even liver disease. The list goes on and on.

Try to feed him something soft like boiled rice and chicken chopped up finely so it's like a slurry for him.
If nothing else you might want to find another vet or an emergency vet.

He sounds pretty sick to be waiting until next week.
I would call the vets around town or explain to yours that he is really ill.
Please let me know what you find out.