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Dye eye in Shitzu

18 15:56:22

I took my 5 year old male Shitzu to the vet this morning and he
was diagnosed with "dry eye" . The tear test showed that his tear
ducts are producing very very little fluid.  He has been placed on
cyclosporin eyedrops for life.
Are there any possible side effects from the use of the drops and
can changes be made to his diet  , that may help overcome this
problem ?  

Hi Kathy!  I have a little Shih Tzu too!  
Dry eye is very common in shih tzu dogs.  Not using the eye drops can cause corneal abrasions, corneal ulcerations and blindness.  Using the eye drops will definately be more beneficial and will keep the problem maintained.  There is no cure for dry eye, only treatment, and the treatment is those eye drops.  The eye drops don't harm in any way, they help the problem, so don't worry about using them!
Wishing your little guy well!  From one shih tzu lover to another!