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18 15:56:35

my friends 2 month old shitzsu has been having seizures and foaming at the mouth..the puppy is at the vet but they are not sure what it is...she may have eaten a styrofoam piece of a cup...  

Hi Susan!I do not believe that these seizures are caused by a piece of styrofoam.Seizures usually stem from many things including epilepsy,brain tumors,or a hard blow to the head. With a variety of tests, your friends vet should be able to determine the cause of these seizures and then treat them with the proper medication. There are a many medications that help control seizures in dogs so they may resume a happy and normal life.
You can give comfort to your friend by letting her know that I also am the owner of a Shepard/Lab mix 6 year old dog that suffers from grand mal seizures. He is on 4 tablets of phenobarbitol a day and is doing just fine. He came into contact with another dog friend who was just treated with Atvantage flea treatment and had a reaction which caused him to have a few minor seizures a few weeks ago. So in my case there are a few things such as flea treatment and certain ingredients in dog biscuits that set off these seizures in my dog. It is more or less a trial and error,you much watch for certain foods,chemicals etc.for each animal reacts differently. I hope that this is helpful to you and your friend and I wish you the best of luck!Please keep me posted and give that shitzsu millions of kisses for me!Sending wagging tails your way!