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Hi There!I got a couple questions.So...

18 16:08:24

Hi There!I got a couple questions.So here it goes.

1.How do you treat red bumps and how are they caused?
2.How do you treat dogs that wal stiff and why do they do this?
3.How can your treat dogs that are wobbly and how is it caused?
4.How do you treat dogs that limp and how is it caused?

Please don't put take them to the vet!Thankis a lot!God bless

These questions are not specific enough for me to answer.  Treatment is based on diagnosis, so just asking how do you treat red bumps requires much more information.  Red bumps can result from many things and the treatment that I would use depends on if they are red bumps from bug bites, viral infection, bacterial infection, or autoimmune disease.