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My cats fleas

18 15:53:03

I've been noticing my cat leaving flea eggs wherever she lays down. I'm paranoid that they'll hatch into larvae and be crawling in my bed and stuff and crawl into my nose or ears or something. Can they be harmful to humans? What if I get eggs on my hands somehow and eat something without washing my hands and ingest some eggs? Would that be harmful?

you should get the flea problem sorted out.  fleas can carry other parasites such as worms that are harmful.

You need flea treatment for the cat and other animals if any and treatment for the house.  I recommend ADVANTAGE 80 available from vets as it is guarranteed to kill 99%of fleas in 24hrs.  Special treatment for your house should also be brought from vets.

DO NOT use bob martins or other cheap flea stuff as it does not kill all fleas on the animal or in the house.  Because advantage i a Prescription only product a vet or nurse must see your animal first.