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Urinary troubles

18 16:07:33

We have a three year old cat that until recently has always been healthy.
Thurs she started making frequent trips to the liter box.  We assumed she had a tummy ache.
By Sat it was clear there was something wrong with her being able to potty.
We took her to the vet Mon.  They said she had puss and blood in her urine. Along with a bunch of other technical stuff I don't understand enough to repeat.
They prescribed Hills C/D and an antibiotic.  She has been on both since yesterday.  The antibiotic is only once a day. (so she has had two doses)
My concern is since she has not been feeling well she is squatting all over.  Usually there is only a few drops of urine but it is on blankets and rugs. I am following her all over and washing washing washing.
Does this usually stop when they feel well?  Will she have behavor problems now?
Is there good prognosis of things like this?  The vet seems to think she will be fine.
How long until she starts to feel better and act normal again?
Anything you can offer would be appreciated.

Hi there!  It sounds like a urinary tract infection, which is extremely common in cats.  What kind of antibiotic is she on?  Clavamox and Baytril are the two best antibiotics for this kind of infection.  Being that she has had two days worth of antibiotics, you should be seeing some sort of improvement.  She may be needing a stronger antibiotic.  This ailment will not cause any behavioral problems.  Cats tend to not use the litter box when a urinary tract infection is present, but will as soon as the infection is gone.  As long as your kitty gets on a stronger antibiotic, symptoms should be invisible by the fourth day.  You should see slight improvement every day before.  The prognosis is definately good and she should be fine, but like I said, she should probably be on a stronger antibiotic, preferably Baytril, as this antibiotic is very strong, and it sounds as though she has a pretty strong infection going on.
I would definatley suggest a recheck at your veterinarian for a stronger antibiotic before symptoms get worse.
I hope this has helped and please keep me posted!
Wishing your baby well,