Pet Information > ASK Experts > Ask the Veterinarian > Parvovirus


18 15:50:43

Please. I adopted a small dog from a Rescue on the Net I collected him Thursday. Over the Weekend He was ill. Monday Morning I had to rush him to Vets. He had "Parvovirus" I had to get him put to sleep. Should this dog not have been checked and given jab before they allowed me to take him home. I have since destroyed all that he had and Disinfected my Home. But I feel I am a Risk to other dogs now. They cannot be bought in my home for at least Six weeks. Please, Please tell me what I should do. April  

I am sorry about your puppy. YES, the rescue group should have had the puppy looked at by a vet a few days before adoption, but parvo does not rear its ugly head until it really bad. -there is treatment!  expensive, but there is treatment.

follow your vets advice on cleaning and wait a bit for a new puppy.