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obsessive licking

18 15:50:43

My 5 yr. old neutered male aussie has started licking his paws, all four excessively. He has lost quite a bit of fur where he has been licking. I'm wondering if this is characterisic of sore joints, skin irritation or does it sound more like a nervous problem. He's been grumpy for the past few months also, due to the addition of an  8 mo. old male Italian Greyhound in the home he has only had to share with his female litter mate.  

It could be due to sore joints or an allergy (contact or food).  You can try cleaning the feet with vinegar to help reduce surface allergans, yeast and bacteria.  It could also be an obsessive compulsive disorder as Aussies are usually very high strung.  You can try some Benadryl to see if that reduces the licking...give 1 mg per pound of weight 2 - 3 X a day.  For food allergies, I recommend a fish-based diet such as those made by Verus, Wellness or Flint River Ranch.  Otherwise, if he is not better, a trip to the vet is warranted.