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Worming Puppy

18 15:43:02

I have just got a westie pup, he is 9wks old. I was given the vets record for him with info about his first in set of injections. The vets card also stated he had been wormed. I noticed thin white worms moving about when he had been to toilet so after advice from vet purchased milbemax worming tablet from vets. This was given to him 3 days ago. There were quite alot of the same kind of worms coming out after worming and i noticed there was still a worm today after he had been to toilet. Is this normal for them to be still coming out after 3 days? I have another westie who is 1yr old bitch, she has been wormed regularly since i got her the last time being approx 1 month ago. Is there any way she can become infected because puppy has worms? Should she be wormed again or just as normal?
Thanks for your help

Puppies are usually born with worms, therefore, a series of dewormings are given every 2-3 weeks.   If the worms looked spaghetti-like, then they are roundworms and very common in dogs.  Your other dog could become infected from being in contact with fecal contaminants outside.  Many times puppies are loaded with them and they can come out a few days after deworming as well and it is not unusual for them to vomit them up as well.

I would recommend that you deworm your pup again 7 days after the first dose and once more in 2 weeks after that and to be safe give your adult dog a deworming just in case.  Then take a stool sample to the vet for both dogs 2 weeks after the last deworming to ensure they are clear.