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18 16:08:35

I went to the vet today because my dog hasn't seemed herself lately.  I have a 10 year old Rott.  She is in great shape, except that the vet felt like her spleen is enlarged but wouldn't know unless we took x-rays.  What does this all mean?  Will she die?  Does it go down and get better? Do I need to change her diet?  I know these are questions I should have asked the vet, but because he said that she seemed fine I didn't worry until tonight when she was laying down and I went to rub her belly and she yelped at me.

Hi Michele!

Poor dog! Yes, enlarged spleens can be painful.  All an xray will tell your vet is how large it is. An ULTRASOUND can indicate whats going on inside it.

If it was my dog, I would want to see an internal medicine specialist to have it looked at.  They could do a fine needle spleen aspirate guided by ultrasound (since its so vascular) and reduce the risk of making unecessary internal bleeding.

Dogs can get whats called a hemangioscarcoma (cancer) that can be fatal if not treated.

Ask for a referral.

Good Luck!