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elevated bilirubin

18 15:47:56

This concerns a nine-year-old irish setter.  He had been vomiting yellow bile occasionally over a few days.  He stopped eating.  So far the work-up shows an elevated bilirubin.  Would this be the same as in a human--indicating a liver problem?  What would be a good course of treatment.  Obviously, this is my buddy, so I appreciated your honest opinion.

Yes it can be due to liver disease, a bile duct obstruction or potentially hemolytic anemia.  Make sure his blood counts are within normal ranges.  He should be hospitalized and placed on IV fluids to treat dehydration.   I would recommend an ultrasound.  In the meantime, he should be started on an antibiotic, Denosyl, and a bland diet such as boiled chicken and rice with plain yogurt and digestive enzymes.  If the vomiting persists with the bland diet, then he may need Reglan to slow down the vomiting as well as some acid blockers to reduce the acid in his stomach.