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distinct smell w/mucous rectal discharge

18 15:47:26

I have a 17 week old male German Shorthair Pointer that has developed a slight mucous discharge from the rectum with a very distinct odor.  I He does not appear to have loose stools but keeps trying to "finish his job". Yesterday he dropped a small soft stool and ejected some light colored  fluid.  I have not noticed any blood being excreted but he has a strong odor emanating from his backside.  He still appears to have a good appetite and energy level--I plan to take him to the vet on Monday but was concerned that it might be something I should check out sooner.  I haven't had a chance to check his stools since I really didn't notice the odor until today.  I realize you may not even get this question before Monday but thought I would ask anyway as I'm a little worried.  Thanks.

This sounds like he expressed his anal glands, which is totally normal.

Anal sacs (also called "anal glands") are two small glands just inside your pet's anus. The material secreted into these glands is thick and foul smelling. Most animals can empty these glands voluntarily for scent marking or in self defense (like a skunk might do).

Domestic animals have largely lost their ability to empty these sacs voluntarily. Walking around and normal defecation serves to empty the glands but some animals become unable to empty their glands on their own at all. The sacs become impacted and uncomfortable. Dogs with impacted anal sacs usually scoot their rear on the ground in an attempt to empty the glands. Some dogs will lick their anal area and other dogs will chase their tails.