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Cat with a lump

18 15:03:01

My cat has a lump on the top of her head about the size of a small gooseberry.
She has had it several weeks now and I have noticed it is starting to get bigger.
It does not bother her at all (no scratching or trying to rub it) and if you touch it
she does not mind or flinch.  The lump is bald!  i.e. it has grown through the fur
and emerged above it. I would be very grateful for any advice.

Hilary -

You should have your car examined by a veterinarian.  It sounds as though your cat may have an abscess, but a doctor should examine it to diagnose that it is indeed an abscess.

Do not hesitate to get it checked the out - the wait and see approach may prove to be costly in the end.

Best Regards,

Charlotte Sherrell, DVM